The Single Slice of White Bread

Hello my name is timothy and i;m gonna tell you about slenderman is really real i saw him and he's rea''l''
It wasa dark night i was in my bed listening to skrilex when i saw slendereman in my closet an i open the door he siad "im here to kill you" then i screamed then i run out of my house and i keep running until i got to my friend jeremy house and we went to his room and listen to skirllex there so the senderman cannot get me and jermy i let you know what happens tomorrow  Bye

The next day

i sa

w the very scary sLenderman Again he told me if you tel; every one about me saying im going to kill ypu I will kill you and everyone toomorow in their sleep and then i flipped him off i went to jeremy 's house and tol him about slenerman he said ""Slenderman its not real you are a fuking" liar and than i screamed "F**k You Jeremy!!" and I ran back home cry and i went in my room To listen to skrilex and dupstep is cool and if u dont like  your a dumbass

he bread

I Went to jeremys house the next day to apoligize to him i knocked on hsi door and I said "Jermey please open up Im sorry for sayin fuck you" then i got angry when he wouldn';t open and so I tryed to open door door wont open i slam myself into the door and it break down!! and i found jeremy on the floor but, he was dead.......
All that was left was a slice of bread to go ona peanut butter sandwich Jeremy said it his favorite food but now hes dead beccause of slenderman killed him with the bread,. he cant eat the bread.... Rip in Peace Jeremy